ASWB Bachelor Level Social Work Exam Prep

Prepare for your ASWB Bachelor level exam with the Comprehensive Study Guide from Social Work Examination Services. Access expert strategies, practice questions, and study guides.

You can trust SWES to be your exam prep partner.

SWES Comprehensive Study Guide

Walks you through the test requirements, the day of the test, and how to approach and answer the kind of questions you will find on the licensing exam. We believe the best preparation is through practice questions. And we’ll help you pass!

SWES Online Practice Exams

Replicates the testing environment to allow you to practice sitting for the four hour test.Gain confidence by practicing with a computerized timed test and answer the kind of questions you will experience on the actual test.

Comprehensive Study Guide

ASWB Bachelor Level
$ 99 plus shipping
  • 1000 sample multiple choice questions with answers and explanations
  • Three Complete Practice Examinations
  • Detailed content review: Group Practice & Individual Practice
  • Detailed content review: Medications, Ethical Issues, Human behavior
  • Detailed content review: DSM5, Alcohol & Drug Treatment
  • Detailed content review: Research, Social Policy
  • Detailed content review: Administration and Supervision

Online Practice Exams

Clinical Level
$ 85
  • Replicates ASWB Exam
  • 90-day Subscription
  • Includes TWO timed 170-question practice exams, drawn randomly from a test bank of approximately 700 questions.
  • Every user’s test is unique, created from a random selection of questions from the question bank.
  • Instant score and detailed report with answers and explanations

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