Comprehensive Study Guide, Bachelor Level
Exam Preparation at the Bachelor Level
Designed to respond to the ASWB social work license exams in all states, to prepare you for the Bachelor Level ASWB Exam.
Version 10
Updated in 2024. Includes the latest Code of Ethics, up to date ASWB exam information, and updated and revised practice questions with 3-option answers.
Three Practice Exams
SWES Bachelor level Comprehensive Study Guide includes three practice exams with detailed answers and explanations.
One Volume Print Book
Our study guide includes Test-Taking Strategy, approach to answering exam questions, detailed content notes on 12 separate practice areas.
SWES's Bachelor Level Comprehensive Study Guide is designed to respond to Social Work License Exams prepared by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) that are used in all states.
SWES Comprehensive Study Guides provide a comprehensive review of Group Practice, Individual Clinical Practice, Medications, Ethical issues, Multi cultural Practice, Human Behavior, DSM5, Alcohol and Drug Treatment, Research, Social Policy, Administration and Supervision. Three Practice Exams survey the range of issues likely to appear on license exams.