Our Philosophy
Thank you for visiting Social Work Examination Services
Since 1983, we have dedicated ourselves to helping social workers prepare for the social work licensure exam. Thousands of license candidates have used our methods and materials to successfully pass the national license exam developed by the ASWB.
We believe that the best test preparation is through experience with practice questions, and content review. These strategies reduce anxiety and increase confidence, essential ingredients for successfully navigating the exam. Social workers who use our materials pass licensure examinations. In fact, our students pass in high numbers with high scores. Exam scores exceeding 90 are not uncommon.
Social Work Examination Services (SWES) offers a high quality Home Study program designed to help candidates prepare for their state’s social work license exam. Our Comprehensive Study Guides contain more than 1600 sample multiple choice questions, and include explanations for each question, four practice exams, plus hundreds of pages of comprehensive study notes covering every area tested on all levels of ASWB licensing examinations. Each section of the review book has been developed by a subject area consultant who is an expert in the area.
In addition, SWES offers on-site intensive exam prep courses conducted by a highly experienced faculty using proven methods of instruction.
As the trusted partner in university settings across the country, SWES materials have been incorporated into social work school curriculums, and into continuing education programs as the cornerstone material to help prepare social workers for the ASWB licensure exam.
SWES materials were developed through real classroom instruction experience. Founder Dr. Stephen Antler received his MSW in Social Work from Columbia University, and his DSW from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Hunter College. After a decade of work in the public sector, Dr. Antler taught social work at the graduate level first as a faculty member of SUNY at Stony Brook, and then at Boston University.
Over the past three decades, SWES highly regarded materials have kept pace with changes in the field. Our materials are refreshed frequently.
We hope that SWES’ Comprehensive Study Guides and Review Lectures are the right study choice for you. We are ready to help you feel confident and prepared to pass your state’s ASWB licensure exam.